About The Designer

My name is Alan J. Maki. I grew up in a family who owns Building Supply Centers. I spent 25 years working in my family business so I learned about the construction industry inside & out. I studied commerical art and marketing in school and used these abilities to run the advertising department for the business. Builders constantly were asking me to design and draw home plans for them to build, so, in 1995 I decided to start my own drafting & design company. Since then I have drawn 1000’s of projects for home owners and builders alike throughout the New England area.


Alan created a design plan that was spot on! We were able to secure the permit and finished our dream home way ahead of schedule.

Maud Moss

I have worked with Alan on a variety of design plans. He provides all the necessary plans for us to present to our clients and any modification requests are done in no time!

Joe Cunningham


Alan J. Maki
Beyond Basics Drafting & Design
312 Burrage St. Lunenburg, MA 01462
Copyright 2024 Alan J. Maki Beyond Basics Drafting & Design |
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